Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Internal Exam Question Paper

P-101 : Object Oriented Programming Using Visual C++

[Time : 2 hours ] [Total Marks : 50]

Que-1 Do as Directed. (Any Ten) [10]

1. How many parameters needed while Overloading Binary Operator using Friend function?
2. Which function is used to get the text at particular position from a ComboBox?
3. Can we Create more than one Project in a single Workspace?
4. Which different views are contained in Workspace Window?
5. Can we Map the void OnOK() function with any event? Why?
6. In which type of Inheritance Virtual Class is needed?
7. Which function is used to clear all entries from a ListBox?
8. Write down syntax for Enable and Disable EditBox Control?
9. List out all Parameter Name Used in MessageBox () function?
10. What is full form of PCH Extension? What information it Contain?
11. Write Short-cut Keys for Build and Execute Program.
12. When fatal error C1083 occurs?

Que-2 Answer the following Questions.
1. Explain Function. (1) UpdateData ( ). (2) Invalidate ( ). (3 Marks)
2. Explain CEdit with example. (3 Marks)
3. Write a Code to Set Current Cursor Position on Title bar of Dialog box. Use appropriate Event (2 Marks)
4. Write a Code to calculate no. of Button clicks and show it using MessageBox. (With all Parameters) (2 Marks)

Que-3 Answer the following Questions. (Any Three) [15]
1. Write a Program to draw a Line using Mouse Move events.
2. Write a Program to Animate Rectangle.
3. Write a Program to Add min 5 numbers in ComboBox. When user press
the Calculate Button show Addition of Numbers in MessageBox.
4. Write a program to move values from one ListBox to another.
(One by One and All at Once).

Que-4 Answer the following Questions. (Any Three) [15]
1. List the different extension used in VC++. Explain any Two in brief.
2. List out different categories of Messages. Explain Message Map with Example.
3. What is OOP? Explain Inheritance and polymorphism.
4. Explain CPen and CBrush.

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