Friday, October 30, 2009

University Exam Paper OOPS using Visual C++

M. Sc. Sem. I (IT & CA) Examination
Jan-Feb 2009
P101 - OOPS Using Visual C++

Que- 1 Attempt any three of the following : [30 marks]

(1)Write an application to display the current cursor value of horizontal scrollbar in the title bar of the dialog box.
(2)Write an application by taking two buttons as following:
(a)User can create two dynamic edit box and static box by clicking first button.
(b)User can interchange the values of edit boxes by clicking the second button.
(3)What is OOP ? Explain encapsulation and polymorphism.
(4)Write an application to manipulate database using ODBC connectivity. User can perform Add, Edit, Delete, Previous, Last and First.

Que-2 Attempt any two : [10 marks]

(1)Prepare a project explaining the push button with enabling, disabling and hide-show utility.
(2)Write an application which can create the text file from one button and can open that created text file in notepad from second button.
(3)Explain the visual C++ development environment.

Que-3 Attempt any six : [30 marks]

(1)Write a VC++ project that draws a circle. And clicking within it changes the circle color.
(2)Write an application to display the text from edit box into the client area of dialog box whenever user presses the right mouse button.
(3)Explain the CArchieve and CFile class with suitable example.
(4)Explain MFC.
(5)Explain (a) GetDocument( ) (b) CPen
(6)What is CEdit ? Explain with example.
(7)Explain with example Move TO-line To.
(8)List the different extension used in VC++ project file. Explain any two of them.

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