Friday, November 13, 2009

M.Sc (IT & CA), VC++ (Visual C++) Syllabus, AITS, Rajkot

Paper - 101 Object Oriented Programming using Visual C++

* Introduction to OOP
* Basic OOP Concepts & Applications
* Introduction of VC++
* Controls usages in Application
* Mouse and Keyboard integration
* Dialog based Application
* Message Handling Mechanism
* Multiple Dialog Handling
* Documents, Views, and the Single Document Interface
* Scroll Views, HTML Views, and Other View Types
* Menu Environment
* Text and Fonts handling
* Incorporating Graphics, Drawing and Bitmaps
* Device Contexts and GDI Objects
* Single Document Interface Application
* Multiple Documents and Multiple Views
* CArchive and CFile classes
* Database handling using ODBC
* Database handling using DAO
* Database handling using OLEDB
* Error Detection and Exception Handling
* Toolbars, Status Bars, and Rebars
* Serialization
* Creating DLLs (COM) using ATL & App Wizard
* ActiveX Controls integration in VC++ application
* Creating ActiveX controls

Reference Books:

Mastering VC++, BPB Publication
Practical VC++, PHI Publication
VC++ Unleashed, Techmedia Publication
Programming VC++, Microsoftpress Publication

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