Thursday, November 26, 2009

Question List

Practical Question

Dialog Based Program

1. Write an Application to show the current ProgressBar value in EditBox as it incremented 1 to 100.
2. Create Dialog based Application with command button and MessageBox () (Use all Parameters) to print the message with no of clicks whenever user clicks on command button.
3.Write an Application to Split the Entered Text in EditBox and then enter them in ListBox with Uppercase.
(Hint : EditBox :"this is my book"
List Box: THIS
4. Write a program to move values from one ListBox to another (1. One by One as User Select, All at Once).
5.Create a Dialog based Application with Static Texts to get the information like Computer Name, Total Memory, Free Memory and Total Load on processor.
6.Create Dialog Based Application to Read and Write a Data from Text file. Use EditBox to Show data.
7.Craete Dialog based Application Which read data from Text file in Reverse order. Show data in EditBox.

SDI/MDI Program

1. Write a program to Animate Circle.
2. Write a program to draw a line using three different mouse events.
3.Write an Apllication to Change Font in SDI.
(Hint : Use Menu for Opening CFontDialog)
4.Write a VC++ project that Draws a Polygon. And Clicking within it Changes its Border Color.
5.Write an Application to Show Current Cursor Position of Mouse in StatusBar.
6.Write an Application to Show Current Date(DD-MM-YYYY) format in StatusBar.
7. Write an Application to Make Simple Web Browser using HtmlView and ReBar.
8. Write an Application to Manipulate Database using (ODBC/ADO/DAO) Connectivity. User can perform Add, Update, Delete, MoveNext, MovePrevious, MoveLast and MoveFirst.

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